Select a date on this animated timeline to follow Winslow Homer’s artistic progression and see how his paintings chronicle America’s post-Civil War society.
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Throughout his career Winslow Homer documented the lives of average Americans in a straightforward, spontaneous manner. He especially focused on the people who lived and worked on the edges of the sea. His distinct brand of realism advances democratic values and offers a compelling view of 19th century America. This animated timeline shows his inclination to paint in series and how those series chronicle American history.
Historical events and trends depicted in Homer’s art
- Technological advancements that influenced the Civil War
- The changing role of women in society
- The impact of Reconstruction on emancipated slaves
- The harrowing existence fishing the coast and the Grand Banks
- The rise of nature tourism
- The encroachment of commercial hunting and logging on the wilderness
Related Resources
- Winslow Homer’s The Fog Warning is in the Boston Museum of Fine Art’s collection. See the website for detailed information. Select the image to magnify.
- This interdisciplinary teacher’s resource offers a range of teaching moves and language for analyzing The Fog Warning.
- This interactive puzzle explores Homer’s life and the events that inspired him to paint The Fog Warning. Special attention is given to how Homer’s realism advances democratic values and offers a compelling view of American history.
- This game-show format reviews key learnings from “Puzzled by The Fog Warning?” in a friendly, team-building competition.
- This fast-paced game explores Homer’s art and how his paintings chronicle America’s post-Civil War society.
- This game-based art survey analyzes the art of Winslow Homer and eight other 19th century realist painters.
- This art-based writing lesson use The Fog Warning as mentor art for teaching the value of thoughtful titles.
- This inquiry study uses The Fog Warning as a springboard to explore the harrowing existence of fishermen off the Grand Banks.
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